September 2019

Dear Students and Parents/Guardians:

I am excited for the start of a new school year and looking forward to working with all of you. There are a few things to keep in mind in order to get started in a timely manner and to ensure a successful experience this year.

Every student should have an instrument and be ready to play no later than the second week of school. Instruments may be rented through any of the local music stores. When doing so please make sure that the instrument you are renting is nothing less than a quality instrument. If you are planning to purchase an instrument please make sure to consult an orchestra teacher or myself for helpful advice. The same goes for any uncertainty in renting. A quality playing experience depends on a quality instrument.

Cello and bass players will need an instrument for the home and will be provided an instrument to play in class. If cello players prefer to bring in their own cellos for orchestra and lessons they may do so.

Every student will have a lesson once every six school days on a period rotation basis. Students will be pulled out of any given class only once or twice per marking period. Every student is expected to attend all lessons. A lesson schedule will be posted in the very near future. Concerts and important dates are posted accordingly. I encourage students and parents to become well acquainted with this site, as it will be a great help and a valuable learning tool throughout the year.

In addition to instruments all students must have all of their supplies and materials in order to have a successful and quality orchestra experience. A supply list is also posted accordingly. Music supplies may be purchased at all local music stores.

Please feel free to e-mail with any questions or concerns at or contact me by phone through the main office line.

Let’s have a great year!

Mr. Vedric